This repo contains an interface proposal for a Java implementation of an ASDF reader.
The following examples reference the Roman Space Telescope's wfi_mosaic-1.0.0 schema, which describes the structure of L3 mosaic image files for the WFI instrument.
Here's a partial visualization of an ASDF file containing a wfi_mosaic-1.0.0 object:
└─roman (wfi_mosiac-1.0.0)
│ ├─telescope: ROMAN
│ ├─exptype: SCIENCE
│ ├─basic (mosaic_basic-1.0.0)
│ │ ├─time_first_mjd: 61557.0
│ │ ├─time_last_mjd: 61557.01890925926
│ │ ├─instrument: WFI
│ │ ├─visit: 1
│ └─resample (resample-1.0.0)
│ └─members
│ ├─[0] r0000101001001001001_0001_wfi01_cal.asdf
│ ├─[1] r0000101001001001001_0002_wfi01_cal.asdf
│ ├─[2] r0000101001001001001_0003_wfi01_cal.asdf
│ └─[3] r0000101001001001001_0004_wfi01_cal.asdf
├─data (2D 32-bit float array, 3564 x 3564)
├─err (2D 32-bit float array, 3564 x 3564)
└─context (3D 32-bit unsigned int array, 1 x 3564 x 3564)
Note that all Roman ASDF files contain a top-level roman
object, which is the object that
the schema describes.
The Asdf class is the point of entry for the Java ASDF reader. Create an Asdf
instance and use it to open
a file:
// Eventually this will include configuration options
Asdf asdf = Asdf()
Path path = Paths.get("/path/to/r00001_p_v01001001001_r274dp63x31y80_f158_coadd_i2d.asdf");
try (AsdfFile asdfFile = {
// Interact with the ASDF file
The open AsdfFile object providers methods for accessing the ASDF file metadata (metadata related to the ASDF file itself such as the version of the library used to write the file) and the "tree", which is the science metadata and data (visualized above). Since all interesting nodes are descendants of the "roman" node, it's useful to grab a reference to that:
AsdfNode roman = asdfFile.getTree().get("roman");
The AsdfNode interface is a generic wrapper for a tree node that provides methods for introspecting on the node's type and content, fetching child nodes, etc. We know from the schema that the roman node is expected to be a mapping, and it will identify itself as such:
assert roman.getNodeType() == AsdfNodeType.MAPPING;
Since it is a mapping, we can iterate over it and print the keys that are present:
for (AsdfNode key : roman) {
We can also descend into the "meta" child node and print its keys:
for (AsdfNode metaKey : roman.get("meta")) {
In order to make use of the information in the file, we're going to need to convert the nodes to familiar types such as String, double, int, List, etc.
For example, we know from the schema that the roman.meta.telescope node is a string, so we can descend into the "meta" node and fetch the string from there:
String telescope = roman.get("meta").getString("telescope");
On the other hand, if we're uncertain of the type of the "telescope"
node, we can obtain a reference to it as an AsdfNode
and check the
type before proceeding:
AsdfNode telescopeNode = roman.get("meta").get("telescope");
if (telescopeNode.getNodeType() == AsdfNodeType.STRING) {
String telescope = telescopeNode.asString();
Numeric values require more judgement. Since numbers in an ASDF tree are written as text, it's unclear without the schema what Java primitive type is appropriate. For example, the roman.meta.basic.time_last_mjd node is numeric:
assert roman.get("meta").get("basic").get("time_last_mjd").getNodeType() == AsdfNodeType.NUMBER;
but attempting to fetch its value as an int, long, or single-precision float will
result in an ArithmeticException
// Throws ArithmeticException
// Throws ArithmeticException
// Throws ArithmeticException
The value can be represented as a double-precision float, so getDouble
// Succeeds
is a good option when uncertain of the precision needed:
// Succeeds
Sequence elements can also be indexed directly from AsdfNode
String filename = roman.get("meta").get("resample").get("members").getString(2);
Sequences with consistent value types can be converted to List
List<String> filenames = roman.get("meta").get("resample").getList("members", String.class);
When iterated, sequence nodes yield their element nodes:
for (AsdfNode element : roman.get("meta").get("resample").get("members")) {
N-dimensional arrays such as the array are accessed through the NdArray interface:
assert roman.get("data").getNodeType() == AsdfNodeType.NDARRAY;
NdArray<?> data = roman.getNdArray("data");
Unlike numeric values in the tree, ASDF arrays have well-defined datatypes:
assert data.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT32;
To access array elements, first convert the array to a view specific to a Java primitive type:
FloatNdArray floatData = data.asFloatNdArray();
// Get a single element
float value = floatData.get(100, 100);
// Get the entire array as a Java primitive array:
float[][] array = floatData.toArray(new float[0][0]);
The shape of an array is described by the Shape interface, returned by NdArray.getShape
Shape shape = roman.getNdArray("context").getShape();
for (int dimension = 0; dimension < shape.getRank(); dimension++) {
System.out.println(String.format("[%d]: %d", dimension, shape.get(dimension)));
[0]: 1
[1]: 3564
[2]: 3564
The NdArray
class offers basic support for selecting portions of arrays. The NdArray.index
selects one or more indices, returning a view of the array with reduced rank:
FloatNdArray data = roman.getNdArray("data").asFloatNdArray();
assert data.getShape().getRank() == 2;
FloatNdArray dataAtIndexZero = data.index(0);
assert dataAtIndexZero.getShape().getRank() == 1;
float[] arrayAtIndexZero = dataAtIndexZero.toArray(new float[0]);
The NdArray.slice
method allows us to select ranges over one or more dimensions:
FloatNdArray slicedData = data.slice(Slices.range(0, 100), Slices.range(200, 400));
assert slicedData.getShape().getRank() == 2;
assert slicedData.getShape().get(0) == 100;
assert slicedData.getShape().get(1) == 200;
// Showing the relationship with the original array:
assert slicedData.get(0, 0) == data.get(0, 200);
float[][] slicedArray = slicedData.toArray(new float[0][0]);
Since Java does not offer unsigned integral types, the user must choose how they want to work ASDF unsigned datatypes such as UINT32, UINT64, etc.
For some purposes it is acceptable to read the array data into the equivalent width signed Java type:
assert roman.getNdArray("context").getDataType() == DataType.UINT32;
IntNdArray context = roman.getNdArray("context").asIntNdArray();
int[][][] contextArray = context.toArray(new int[0][0][0]);
The library will not throw an exception, but the user should be aware that large unsigned values will be treated as negative numbers.
The alternative is to read the data into a wider Java type that can represent the full range of unsigned values of the original, smaller type:
LongNdArray context = roman.getNdArray("context").asLongNdArray();
long[][][] contextArray = context.toArray(new long[0][0][0]);
Similarly, UINT64 values can be read into BigInteger
, though this
may be slow.
The ASDF format is capable of storing array data in little-endian or big-endian byte order. Since Java's native byte order is big-endian, any arrays stored in little-endian are automatically converted before any array data is returned to the user.
The ASDF format is capable of storing array data in row-major or column-major order, as well as more exotic stride configurations. Java, on the other hand, does not support multi-dimensional primitive arrays stored in contiguous memory. For example, this array:
byte[][] data = new byte[5][4];
is not stored in a single 20-byte block of memory, but instead is an array of pointers to 5 distinct 4-byte blocks of memory.
When this library returns Java primitive arrays, they will be allocated in this way regardless of the underlying storage configuration of the ASDF file.
Array indexing is always row-first.
The ASDF format also is capable of storing array data in a compressed state, using one of a handful of compression algorithms. To improve the efficiency of repeated access to compressed arrays, this library will decompress each array to a temporary file on first access.
Compression features will be configurable upon creation of the Asdf