1612 commits
to refs/heads/develop
since this release
- Update ActiveMQ Artemis to 2.31.0
- Renaming globalvariables component to tenantvariables @github-actions (#795)
π Features
- Health check - changes on endpoint paths @brunovg (#793)
- Health Check endpoints @brunovg (#792)
- XML to JSON custom component - replicate Json-lib behaviour @github-actions (#791)
π Bug Fixes
- SQL Component - SQL Server - instance name on hostname doesn't work @github-actions (#805)
- JDBC endpoint validation - removed param decode calls @brunovg (#803)
- SQL - validate endpoint - included on the gateway @github-actions (#802)
- GoogleDrive / OAuth2 - missing changes on the gateway project @brunovg (#800)
- tenantvariables component - problems with gateway login @github-actions (#799)
- Renaming globalvariables component to tenantvariables @github-actions (#797)
- MongoDB - classloading problems @github-actions (#789)