Final project in CSE 412 Database Management
Steps to initialize the local postgresql db to connect with Django
I'm using postgresql@13 with MacOS
# Create the local postgresql db
createdb gaming_db
# Run interactive script to create superuser
createuser --interactive --pwprompt
- Name: gaming_admin
- Password: secret_password
Steps to getting set up locally to run Django
- Create local environment
- On Mac it is just > python -m venv env
- This creates local environment 'env'
- Activate local environment
- On Mac it is just > source env/bin/activate
- Install requirements from requirements.txt file
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the migrations on your local DB
- cd app
- python migrate
Your DB should now be setup with the migrations from Django Models created
We need to figure out how we are going to do this and what data we are going to use
Some instructions for connecting to our db within psql for running SQL statements
# Start the psql cli
# Connect to our database
\c gaming_db
# Check the current tables
# Simple test query
select * from user_user limit 10;
Links to examples of specific relationships