Simple visualization of User Facebook Data using D3.js:
- Rotating globe and heatmap displaying user's "your places" and daily facebook activity
Data displayed :
- User's : Facebook "places"
- Daily interactions on Facebook ( eg: posts, comments, messages )
Visualisation Code and Data Preprocessing code in their respective folder.
Video :
- D3.js (v3)
- topojson
- moment.js
- Jquery
- Bootsrap
- Jquery Calendar Heatmap (
<script src="" charset="utf-8"> </script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.CalendarHeatmap.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.CalendarHeatmap.min.css">
Html will display the visualiation.
For customisation of user data and custom display :
- Download user Facebook data from Facebook Profile. Optionally, you can use the sample dataset provided at explore_fb_data/supporting_files/
- Run Jupiter Notebook file to clean and format folder for use. This will generate updated json files.
- Replace "your_place.json" with your own in the visualisation folder ( if renamed, make sure to correct the path in the code )
- To display other data on the globe such as "used_ip_addresses.json"/"where_you've_logged_in.json" , uncomment corresponding functions and replace file with your own. You will need to comment out the working "your_places" function.
-Dropdown lists for data files and heatmap years available for optional usage:
- uncomment, create a div containing the and place in body
- Colours customisables in css section.
- For HeatMap Customization refer to @SeBassTian23 repository (