A DDS-CDR encoder/decoder library in C#.
CDR stands for the O.M.G.'s Common Data Representation that is used in DDS (Data Distributed Service) implementations. It's specified by https://www.omg.org/spec/DDSI-RTPS/2.3/PDF (chapter 10) and https://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/02-06-51.
In the current version, this library only handles the basic types. It doesn't include an IDL compiler generating C# encoder/decoder for complex types.
Assuming a DDS type is defined with the following IDL:
module HelloWorldData
struct Msg
long userID;
string message;
#pragma keylist Msg userID
The code to encode such type will be:
HelloWorldData.Msg m = new HelloWorldData.Msg();
m.userId = 1;
m.message = "Hello World!";
CDRWriter writer = new CDRWriter();
byte[] encodedBuffer = writer.GetBuffer().ToArray();
The code to decode such type will be:
byte[] encodedBuffer = ...;
CDRReader reader = new CDRReader(encodedBuffer);
HelloWorldData.Msg m = new HelloWorldData.Msg();
m.userId = reader.ReadInt32();
m.message = reader.ReadString();