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.dotfiles for linux distributions

Make sure you have latest neovim installed on your computer.

move nvim and vim folders to ~/.config/ individually

Make sure you have nerd fonts installed from or just place Gohu.tff from repo directory and place it to ~/.local/share/fonts

You will need nodejs python for neovim and golang and installed

  1. Install vim-plug
  2. enter nvim and enter :PlugInstall or to clean and remove use :PlugClean
  3. enter nvim and enter :CocInstall if needed
  4. enter nvim and enter :CocInstall coc-clangd if needed
  5. also you can install cclc if necessary "sudo apt install ccls"
  6. sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags in order to run TAGBAR plugin
  7. enter nvim and enter :CocInstall clangd.install if needed
  8. :Codeium Auth

Quick review of features:

to move around ctrl + h or j or k or l to open terminal alt + t or to open terminal all over window press alt + shift + t to open coc suggestions move on word and press alt + k and to select suggestions down arrow or up arrow and alt + y to go to definiton press "gd" and to go back from definition press "ctr + o" to open nerd-tree ctrl + n to comment quickly press // or to comment sexy press /y /s to open smart TAGBAR press f8 . to comment in react press super key plus l to console.log write log and press enter


configuration for nvim and vim







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