Bug Fixes
bundler: avoid appending alias after comment (sourceMap line). (621bda7 )
bundler: fix missing json watch (2f5f0cd )
bundler: fix sourceMap source file path and sourceRoot (d8a04c0 )
CLI-Bundler, Aliases: improve alias support (19ea1ec ), closes #1093
release-check: avoid duplicated e2e processes (615096a )
skeleton: allows TS plugin skeleton to support import {...} from "resources"
(eeb59c8 )
skeleton: fix missing .gitignore file in aurelia-cli npm package (d13c437 ), closes #1102
skeleton: fix Promise polyfill on IE (bc377dc ), closes #1079
skeleton: fix ts-loader option for webpack+karma setup (beca7f3 )
skeleton: TS plugin skeleton to generate d.ts files (22075c1 )
skeleton: upgrade karma to v4 to get rid of deprecated circular-json (6501a57 )
webpack: fix TypeScript error on unneeded test code when running webpack (36d384e )
webpack: use typeRoots to avoid TS typing issue when cssnano and protractor are selected (d85ca5c ), closes #1090
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