We're excited to announce the release of AutoGluon-Bench 0.4.0!
For more details, please check out the README.
Main Features
module is now supported! Similar astabular
benchmarks are running on the AMLB framework but with better support in cloud infrastructure. Custom datasets and frameworks are supported as well.- Hardware metrics including
can now be queried fromCloudWatch
with the added option--save-hardeware-metrics
inagbench run
. They are pulled and saved to S3 bucket immediately after all jobs have run into completion. - Updates in evaluation logic
This release contains 4 commits from 3 contributor.
Full Contributor List (ordered by # of commits):
@suzhoum @Innixma @shreyash2106
This release supports Python versions 3.9. and 3.10.
We hope you enjoy the new features in this release! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or feedback.