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Common errors faced while running `catkin_make`

Siddharth Kannan edited this page Jan 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

1. Linking error


Obtained by: Removing blob from 11398bb2/vision_stack/task_marker/CMakeLists.txt#L31

Fixed by: Adding the appropriate library to the target_link_libraries call of the appropriate executable in CMakeLists.txt file.

2. The CPP / Python code of a message file not found

Error: Could not find the file actionmsg/buoyAction.h

Fixed by:

  1. Ensure that the CPP code for the messages is being generated by going to the package that has the definition for the .msg or the .action file. There, see if add_message_files and add_action_files function calls are properly written. Also, uncomment the call to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs actionlib_msgs)

  2. In this package, call add_dependencies with the executable name as first argument and the gencpp target as second argument. (Example: marker CMakeLists )

This string is the name of the package where the .action or .msg file is present, followed by _gencpp.