This repository contains my personal configuration files (dotfiles) for setting up my Arch Linux with Hyprland window manager and other utilities. It also includes configurations for macOS and other environments.
To install and symlink the configuration files to your system:
Clone this repository into your home directory:
git clone [email protected]:av1155/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
Install GNU Stow (if not installed) to manage the symlinks:
sudo pacman -S stow # For Arch Linux brew install stow # For macOS (using Homebrew) sudo apt install stow # For Debian Linux
Navigate to the
directory and run Stow:cd ~/.dotfiles stow --restow */
If conflicts arise because symlinks already exist, or original files, you need to manually remove those files (or turn them into .bak's) and then run
stow --restow */
from the~/.dotfiles
directory ~/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig.bak # or rm ~/.gitconfig
man stow
to understand how it works before using it.
├── .stow-global-ignore
├── App-Configs
│ └── configs
│ ├── iTerm2_Profile
│ ├── KittyAppIconMac
│ └── MacOS-Bootstrap # Bootstrap script for setting up macOS development environment
├── Config
│ └── .config
│ ├── bat
│ ├── 'Code - OSS'
│ ├── colorls
│ ├── fastfetch
│ ├── hypr
│ ├── kanshi
│ ├── kitty
│ ├── lazygit
│ ├── tmux
│ └── yazi
├── Fonts
│ └── .fonts
│ ├── *.ttf
│ ├── OFL.txt
│ └──
├── Formatting-Files
│ └── .clang-format
│ └── .prettierrc.json
├── Git
│ ├── .gitconfig
│ ├── .gitignore
│ └── .gitignore_global
├── Java-Jars
│ └── javaClasspath
│ ├── apiguardian-api-1.1.0.jar
│ ├── jlayer-1.0.1.jar
│ ├── jsoup-1.8.3.jar
│ ├── junit-jupiter-api-5.7.0.jar
│ ├── junit-jupiter-engine-5.7.0.jar
│ ├── junit-platform-commons-1.7.0.jar
│ ├── junit-platform-engine-1.7.0.jar
│ └── opentest4j-1.2.0.jar
├── macOS-Library
│ └── Library
│ └── 'Application Support'
├── SSH
│ └── .ssh
│ └── config
└── ZSH
├── .p10k.zsh
├── .zprofile
├── .zshrc
├── .github
The .zshrc
file is designed to work across different systems like macOS, Linux (Arch, Raspberry Pi, etc.), and Windows (WSL). It detects the current OS and adjusts paths and tool installations accordingly, ensuring consistent behavior regardless of the platform.
- Oh My Zsh: Configuration for managing Zsh and its plugins.
- Powerlevel10k Theme: Installs and configures Powerlevel10k for a beautiful terminal prompt.
- ZPlug: Manages Zsh plugins.
- Fastfetch: Quickly fetches system information and displays it in the terminal.
This repository also includes a macOS bootstrap script located in the App-Configs/configs/MacOS-Bootstrap directory. This script automates the setup of a macOS development environment from zero, including the installation of essential development tools, Homebrew, AstroNvim, and more.
To learn more about this bootstrap and how to use it, refer to the MacOS-Bootstrap README.
Auto-starts a tmux
session on terminal login, with custom session naming and attachment logic. This is ideal for maintaining persistent work environments.
- Remove all Tmux plugins or previous symlinks
cd ~/.config/tmux/plugins
rm -rf *
- Reinstall Tmux Plugin Manager (tpm)
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Reload Tmux Configuration
tmux source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
Install Plugins Using tpm
Either use the shortcut:
Ctrl + A (your current prefix), then I
Or run the following command to install all plugins listed in your tmux.conf:
- The
includes automatic setup for Neovim's Python provider, ensuring that Neovim is always ready to work with Python and other environments. - Supports a dynamic Python executable path for
- Enhanced file navigation with FZF (Fuzzy Finder) and
(a bettercat
). - Custom aliases for efficient directory and file navigation.
The setup automatically configures the appropriate package manager for your system:
- Paru/Yay on Arch Linux (for AUR support)
- Homebrew on macOS (via
- Adds git integration to FZF for quickly browsing and managing git repositories.
- Custom Shell Scripts: Includes scripts for managing Java projects, SQL URLs, updating packages, etc.
- Bat themes: Automatically installs the Catppuccin theme for the
command. - Kitty: Dynamic configuration for font size and opacity depending on the OS.
Automatically configures the Java classpath based on the JAR files found in the javaClasspath
directory. This makes them available when compiling and running Java programs.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.