Top Ramen group project for U of Memphis Capstone
- Developer and maintenance guide
- Source code doc
- DB Schema (If you have trouble opening this file, try downloading it and opening w/ browser)
Python 3, PostgreSQL
The development Postgres database should have a db titled ramenia, with a user named ramenia with password ramen
Install python3 virtualenv module via some means on your system- this is not required but will ensure you don't flood your path with unneeded dependencies. This assumes you're using a Unix OS.
into the ramenia directory
python3 -m venv ./venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
To exit the virtual env, use deactivate
To enter the virtual env, once again cd to the ramenia directory and run
. ./venv/bin/activate
Run bash ./
on any Unix OS or follow along with the commands as necessary.
Administrator: admin password User 1: cool_guy simplepassword User 2: cool_girl simplepassword
To update your development DB to have the current seed data and all migrations,
on any Unix OS or follow along with the commands as necessary.
python3 makemigrations rameniaapp
python3 migrate
All uploaded media will be put in the django_images folder.
Uses the Darkly Bootswatch theme under an MIT license. Uses icons from for default noodle and profile image under CC. Uses some icons from under CC-3.0