Releases: aws/aws-ec2-instance-connect-config
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.17
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.15
Host key harvesting QoL improvements:
- Host key harvesting changed to be async/non-blocking
- Change "service" name to be more specific and auto-enable
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.14
This release prevents host key harvesting script failures on system startup from leaving instances in a degraded state. The issue was found in #28.
Prefixing the systemd.service ExecStart executable path with '-' ignores any error exit codes, and considers them successful, leaving the system in a healthy state. See Table 1 under ExecStart= here:
The AL2 package binary will be added when available, and release description updated when available to pull from package repositories (AL2, Ubuntu).
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.13
Tagging release for package version 1.1-13 for consumption by Amazon's OS Partners.
This release contains an additional safeguard to verify that the domain returned from IMDS is an AWS domain.
Amazon Linux 2 packaging is attached to this release. Official Ubuntu and other distribution packaging are published separately following GitHub release.
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.12
Tagging release for package version 1.1-12 for consumption by Amazon's OS Partners.
Main feature of this release is support for EC2 Instance Metadata Service version 2.
Amazon Linux 2 packaging will be attached to this release as soon as the final build is released to AL2's repositories.
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.11
Tagging release for package version 1.1-11 as released to Amazon Linux 2 repositories earlier today.
With this release I am now also attaching the official AL2 RPM packages as seen in public repositories. I will not be attaching official Ubuntu or other distribution packaging as that those are published to repositories after GitHub release.
We will still not be publishing the RPM specfile itself as it contains references to internal systems.
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.10
Marking current code as final 1.1.10 as this has been published to Amazon Linux 2
ec2-instance-connect 1.1.9
Retroactively tagging appropriate commit as initial product release.