Gradle Processes Plugin - Create and manage forked processes.
This Gradle plugin provides the capability to create forked processes from a Gradle build. It's primary goal is to bolster the built in capabilities of Gradle which allow for processing forking only in a synchronous manner.
This plugin is tested against Gradle versions 1.8 - 1.11 (final versions only).
First, add the BinTray JCenter repository and the plugin library to your build's buildscript.
buildscript {
respositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:gradle-processes:0.3.0'
Second, apply the plugin to your Gradle build:
apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.processes'
ProcessHandle handle = project.procs.fork {
<process configuration> See [Exec](
ProcessHandle handle = project.procs.javafork {
<process configuration> See [JavaExec](
ProcessHandle handle = project.procs.javafork { ... }
ProcessHandle handle2 = project.procs.javafork { ... }
project.procs.waitForFinish([handle, handle2])
task fork(type: Fork) {
// Configure the same as the Exec task
task javafork(type: JavaFork) {
// Configure the same as the JavaExec task
task fork(type: Fork) {
// Configure task
task waitForFork() << {
Using the forked tasks can allow for starting/stopping processes for things like test infrastructure.
task startServer(type: Fork) {
// Start some external service
task stopServer << {
test.dependsOn startServer
test.finalizedBy stopServer