Assignment 1 :
a) Write a multithreaded program that generates the Fibonacci series. This program should work as follows: The user will enter on the command line the number of Fibonacci numbers that the program is to generate. The program will then create a separate thread that will generate the Fibonacci numbers. When the thread finishes execution, the parent thread will output the sequence generated by the child thread. Because the parent thread cannot begin outputting the Fibonacci sequence until the child thread finishes, this will require having the parent thread wait for the child thread to finish.
b) Implement the fork() system call and print the parent and child ID in C.
Assignment 2 :
a) Implement the C program in which main program accepts the integers to be sorted Main program uses the fork system call to create a new process called a child process. Parent process sorts the integers using merge sort and waits for child process using wait system call to sort the integers using quick sort. Also demonstrate zombie and orphan states.
b) Construct the complete binary tree using fork() system call and return the height of tree.
Assignement 3 : a) write a c program for orphan process using fork() system. B) write a program for zombie process using fork() system. c)write a mulprocesses program using fork().
Assignment -5
Q1- Write a multithreaded program that generates the Fibonacci series. This program should work as follows: The user will enter on the command line the number of Fibonacci numbers that the program is to generate. The program will then create a separate thread that will generate the Fibonacci numbers. When the thread finishes execution, the parent thread will output the sequence generated by the child thread. Because the parent thread cannot begin outputting the Fibonacci sequence until the child thread finishes, this will require having the parent thread wait for the child thread to finish.
Q2- A C program to show multiple threads with local, global and static variables. Create three threads and print the value of the static, global and local variable.
Assignement -6 Q1- binary and counting semaphores Q2- peterson alg0 q3- race condition using fork
Assignment 7 :
a)Write the code for producer and consumer classical process syncronization .
b)Write a code for reader and writter classical process synchronization .
Assignment 9 :
a)Implement dining philosofers problem using semaphore.
b)Implement dining philosofers problem using monitor.