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Running GLiMMPS on Geuvadis RNA-seq data

There are several steps to prepare the input for GLiMMPS:

Preparing the genome and gene annotation:

The hg19 genome was downloaded from:

The ENSEMBL gene annotation was downloaded from here:

These files have to be put in genome_dir/

Downloading, preprocessing and Mapping the RNA-seq data:

The data is part of RNA-sequencing of 465 lymphoblastoid cell lines from the 1000 Genomes downloaded from:

There are 445 individuals that we have the genotype for, these individuals, the population they belong to, and the links to download the fastq files are in the metadata.txt file. This file is used for all of script generation in running the pipleine.

The RNA-seq data for some individuals contains reads that are 76 nucleotides and some of them have reads that are 75 nucleotides. The preprocessing step before mapping cuts all the 76 nucleotide read down to 75 for proper splicing analysis where the read length is required to be equal for all the samples.

To download, preprocess and map the data to the hg19 genome just run:

$ python scripts/ metadata.txt

It generates all the scripts for all the RNA-seq data to be run on cluster.

Mapping statistics:


running rMATS

The latest version of rMATS was ran on the data. To do this simply run:

$ python scripts/ metadata.txt

This generates a script to run rMATS on all the 445 RNA-seq data.

Filtering exons

We filtered out the alternative splicing events in each population separately, according to the following criteria:

(1) the average exon inclusion level across all individuals is between 5% and 95%.

(2) the average total read count of all individuals is no less than 10.

(3) the range (maximum - minimum) of exon inclusion levels across all individuals is greater than 20%.

(4) more than 20% of the individuals have non-zero read count.

To do this simply run:

$ python scripts/ metadata.txt splicing/b_1.txt splicing/b_2.txt splicing/output/SE.MATS.JC.txt > splicing/filtered_exons.txt

The output is a tab delimited file with two columns, first column is the population and the second column contains the exon IDs that passed all the criteria.

then run the following commands:

$ for f in {CEU,FIN,GBR,TSI,YRI}; do grep ${f} splicing/filtered_exons.txt | cut -f2 > glimmps/${f}/input/filtered_exons.txt; done
$ scripts/
$ scripts/

The number of exons that passed the filters in each population:

Number of exons 8,289 9,125 9,088 8,795 9,247

Preparing genotypes

First download the phase3 genotype from:

The files have to be in the genotype directory. Extract the gzipped .vcf files and run the following script:

for f in {CEU,FIN,GBR,TSI,YRI}; do for i in {1..22}; do python scripts/ genotype/sample_information.txt genotype/sample_pedigree_from_1kgenome.txt ${i} ${f}; done; done

Then to create the .raw files run plink. This can be done by running:

$ python scripts/ metadata_genotype.txt

Running GLiMMPS

At this stage all the input files are ready to run GLiMMPS:

Jobs for running GLiMMPS are in the glimmps directories and for each population in the batch_cis directories.

Basically, GLiMMPS is run by using the commands:

$ cd glimmps/CEU/batch_cis
$ ../../../scripts/sQTLregress.oneexon.cis.R ../input/Geuvadis_exon_info_SE.txt ../input/JC_Geuvadis_DP_SE.txt ../input/JC_Geuvadis_IC_SE.txt Geuvadis_allsnp chr1 1 100

The exons are run in batched of 100 exons, for the optimal number of jobs and performance.

The results will be in the Glimmps_each_exon_cis directory for each population.

Running permutation tests

The scripts for running the permutation tests are in the random scripts. In brief, we shuffle the genotype of the individuals to test the association under null hypothesis.

GLiMMPS runs on the random genotypes using the commands:

$ cd glimmps/CEU/batch_perm1
$ ../../../scripts/sQTLregress.oneexon.cis.perm.R ../input/Geuvadis_exon_info_SE.txt ../input/JC_Geuvadis_DP_SE.txt ../input/JC_Geuvadis_IC_SE.txt Geuvadis_allsnp chr1 1 100 1

The output will be in the Glimmps_each_exon_cis_perm1 directory for each population.


In the CEU population, with a p-value cutoff of 10e-6, 554 events are called significant. Comparing the events to previously published results from the lab, out of 620 significant events, there are 408 events common between two analyses. The p-values are in high correlation with each other:


Positive control



example1 example2 example3

Contacts and bug reports

Emad Bahrami-Samani

[email protected]

Copyright and License Information

Copyright (C) 2019 Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Emad Bahrami-Samani

Authors: Emad Bahrami-Samani

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


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