My hobby is to watch movies. My favourite movies are by Marvel, thefore I have based my hoppy pgae on Marvel movies :) I ahve also added some information about myself in so my readers can know a bit more about who created this page.
I first drew out my desired layout on a notebook and then brang it to life on Visual Stuidio Code. I created my website page using HTML, CSS to style and position elements the why I would like.
I used images on my page to create a nice visual for the topics I speak about. For example, picturs of my two cats.
I faced quite a few issues, main related to CSS. I couldn’t work about how to position elements using grid area, however with the use of the internet and fellow coders at the Founders and Coders meet ups, I was able to understand and successfully implement grid area. I also face issues with images and getting them to appear on the pages, this was because my path was wrong. I quickly figured this out and fixed it.