This allows you to add a calendar to your telegram bot.
Install package
pip install SACalendar
Simple example
from aiogram.contrib.fsm_storage.memory import MemoryStorage
from aiogram.types import Message, CallbackQuery
from CalendarBot import CalendarBot
bot = Bot(token=BOT_TOKEN)
dp = Dispatcher(bot, storage=MemoryStorage())
my_calendar = CalendarBot()
async def start_working_with_bot(message: Message) -> None:
await message.answer('YAHOO!', reply_markup=my_calendar.enable())
async def birthday_simple_calendar(call: CallbackQueryt) -> None:
This simple calendar supports 2 languages RU and EN. To select a language, use:
my_calendar = CalendarBot(language='EN')
Also, to improve the quality of the calendar display, you can transfer your time zone (default UTC)
my_calendar = CalendarBot(tz='Europe/Vienna')
-> @my_Yuuko_bot