This is basically a reimplementation of the ec2-backup-scheduler which is originally written by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in python. [] (work still in progress and progress may be slow as i do not have that much time at hand)
Tag ec2-backup-scheduler Value Starttime,Snapshotcount;Days Backup is created
Starttime: 0 - 2359 Days: all, weekdays, mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su
Examples: Backup every day at 7 a.m. retain last 10 backups.
Sicherung jeden Montag und Mittwoch um 10 Uhr, es sollen die letzten 4 Sicherungen aufbewahrt werden Backup every monday and wednesday at 10 a.m., retain last 4 Backups
This is my first AWS Lambda project and mainly for education purpose. Feel free to use as-is or do what ever you want.
Other than the original python version from aws, this version will rely only on tags and has no dynamodb-settings-table. You can set defaults by adding Environmentvariables:
Variablename | Description | default |
BACKUP_SCHEDULER_TAG | todo | "ec2-backup-scheduler" |
TIMEZONE | todo | "Europe/Berlin" |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY | millis, has to match execution interval | 900 |
ENABLE_COPY_TAGS | copies all tags | true |
ENABLE_AUTO_DELETE | todo | false |
DRYRUN | no actions will be taken, more logging | false |