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This is the site on Drupal.


Initial setup

  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • Start the environment: docker-compose up
  • Adjust folder permissions:
    • mkdir src/private && docker-compose exec php sudo chown www-data /var/www/html/private
    • docker-compose exec php sudo chown www-data /var/www/html/config/sync
  • Import the init data dumps:
    • gunzip -k -c src/scripts/workbc-init.sql.gz | docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U workbc workbc
    • Restore the SSOT data dump as per the workbc-ssot README. Assuming your SSOT repo lives at ../workbc-ssot:
    docker-compose exec -T postgres psql --username workbc ssot < ../workbc-ssot/ssot-reset.sql \
    && gunzip -k -c ../workbc-ssot/ssot-full.sql.gz | docker-compose exec -T postgres psql --username workbc ssot \
    && docker-compose kill -s SIGUSR1 ssot
  • Create the Solr index:
    • docker-compose exec -u 0 solr sh -c "chown -R solr:solr /opt/solr/server/solr/workbc_dev"
    • docker-compose exec solr sh -c "curl -sIN 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=workbc_dev&configSet=workbc&instanceDir=workbc_dev'"
    • docker-compose exec php bash -c "drush sapi-r && drush sapi-i"
  • Edit your hosts file to add the following line:       workbc.docker.localhost

For Windows users, you need a version of Windows that is able to run Docker using Hyper-V backend, e.g. Windows 10 Pro. When running a command above in PowerShell, you may need to wrap it using cmd /c "command".

Updating local dev environment from a deployment stage

You may want to get the latest data from a deployment stage (DEV, TEST or PROD). In that case, follow these steps:

  • Take a full database dump: docker-compose exec -T postgres pg_dump --clean --username workbc workbc | gzip > workbc-backup.sql.gz
  • Reset your database docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U workbc workbc < src/scripts/workbc-reset.sql
  • Import the init data dump gunzip -k -c src/scripts/workbc-init.sql.gz | docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U workbc workbc
  • Download a fresh dump from your desired stage via Backup/Migrate module at https://<stage> and select Backup Source Default Drupal Database
  • Restore the fresh dump on your local at http://workbc.docker.localhost:8000/admin/config/development/backup_migrate/restore
  • Repeat the above two steps for Backup Source Public Files Directory in case you also need the latest files
  • Run the sync script: docker-compose exec php scripts/

Installing modules

  • Access the container: docker-compose exec php bash
  • Execute the composer requires command for the module. The module project page on provides this command, e.g. composer require 'drupal/devel:^4.1'
  • Enable the module using drush en module or via the Drupal Admin UI.
  • Export updated configuration to the /var/www/html/config/sync folder using drush cex

Backup / restore

This repo includes a patched version of Backup and Migrate that supports PostgreSQL using the native pg_dump and psql tools. You can backup and restore Drupal, SSoT databases as well as Drupal public files using the module, using either the Drupal Admin UI or using drush:

  • drush backup_migrate:list [--files:destination_id] to list available backup sources, destinations and optionally backup files for a given destination.
  • drush backup_migrate:backup source_id destination_id to backup a given source (e.g. default_db) to a given destination (e.g. private_files).
  • drush backup_migrate:restore source_id destination_id file_id to restore a given file (e.g. backup-2023-01-03T12-02-04.sql.gz) from a given destination (e.g. private_files) to a given source (e.g. default_db).

Theming / styling

The WorkBC theme is a Bootstrap 5 subtheme.


B.C. Government digital services are expected to make use of BCSans. See for more details.


The php Docker container has yarn, grunt, and grunt-dart-sass set up for compilation. You will need to yarn install from src/ to install all of the dependencies first.

Once dependencies are in place: yarn run grunt dart-sass will compile everything starting with the style.scss, and yarn run grunt watch will start a watch on all .scss files, and compile on detecting changes.

Testing / debugging


Refer to the src/scripts/test folder for instructions on load-testing the site.


The instructions here concern setting up Xdebug with Visual Studio Code. The current docker-compose.yml file enables Xdebug and attempts to connect the PHP container to VS Code's debugger listening on port 9003.

  • Install extension PHP Debug
  • Create or edit the file .vscode/launch.json:
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Listen for Xdebug",
      "type": "php",
      "request": "launch",
      "port": 9003,
      "pathMappings": {
        "/var/www/html/": "${workspaceFolder}/src"
  • Click Run > Start Debugging
  • Place a breakpoint somewhere in the Drupal code

Testing the Drupal cache

By default, caching is disabled in the local development environment. To turn it on, set


in the file settings.local.php.

Content migration / seeding

  • Content migrations are located in the workbc_custom.post_update.php file.
  • For development purposes, the script reset_hook_post_update.php can be used to selectively reset migration runs in order to re-run them. Usage: drush scr scripts/reset_hook_post_update.php -- workbc_custom.
  • Refer to the src/scripts/migration folder for instructions on seeding content from legacy sources into this site.


  • If you notice that Search API is no longer finding results even though you rebuilt the Solr indexes, try the following:

    • docker-compose exec php bash -c "drush scr scripts/reset_solr.php"
    • docker-compose exec php bash -c "drush sapi-r && drush sapi-i"
  • If you run into timeout issues while installing/unzipping PHP, try the following:

    • docker-compose exec php composer config --global process-timeout 600
    • docker-compose exec php composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev
    • There is also one instance where making sure you were logged into docker helped (docker login or logging in via the UI)
  • In some situations drush cim fails. In this case, the Drupal Admin UI should work. If errors still persist, you may need to manually enable new modules before running the configuration synchronization with drush en module.