Zplet based Z-Machine interpreter for Android with modern, SMS app style UI.
Find ZPlet here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zplet/
The icon is taken from Gartoon Redux: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=74841
The icons for the commandbuttons are taken from: http://typicons.com/
External dependencies: Android support library
Homepage: http://www.onyxbits.de/textfiction
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.onyxbits.textfiction
This is fork by me (BCM) from V1.7pre
- bugfix: menu was not shown (KitKat and Jelly Bean, maybe also others)
- bugfix: StatusWindow no longer work after game restore
- show StatusWindow changes as toast
- trim+add space after append-word and remove-word
- remove empty lines at top and bottom of bubbles
- support uppercase German umlaute
- added more icons
- added Sub-Buttoncmds (even multistep)
- implemented storylanguage autodetection
- changed design . moved bubbles (but done for all themes) closer to the border . Jason and Atalanta: move "right_bubble" to left side
- Removed "atonce" (use "$" at end of cmd instead)
- Use icon-String-ID instead int-ID, so the sorting can be easily changed.
- decide for default command buttons (commands to use)
- edit commands: decide which buttons to show (add more), change sorting, fix string-names of buttons
- need fixed: GridView (id/list) rows overlapping - make row height fit the tallest item