Rchitex provides allows users to generate elegantly formatted text tables for summary statistics and regression models while simultaneously writing the equivalent LaTeX code for individual tables or full appendices to a local file. Rchitex is likewise capable of producing Latex and HTML tables for markdown files. Rchitex is intended to bridge the gap between statistical exploration in R and article writing.
You will be able to install the released version of rchitex from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Until development exceeds the experimental phase, rchitex will only be available on github.
Rchitex’s central goal is to ease the gap between statistical exploration and the writing process. Rchitex accomplishes this goal by providing tools that simplify the construction of appendixes and publication-ready tables. Dataframes and models are readily converted to LateX, html, and text output with a large number of available customizations. These table outputs can be stored as objects and deployed whenever so desired. Groupings of outputs (tables and Ggplot graphics) can then converted into into a LaTeX appendix without extraneous time spent formatting.
Rchitex also includes a hodgepodge of extra features, most notably a Robust Standard Error wrapper than simplifies standard error transformations.
Rchitex currently supports a growing number of model types. Currently,
the list includes - Linear and binominal regression (lm
and glm
the stats package) - Panel regression (contained in the plm
package) -
Instrumental variables and Tobit regression (within the AER
Supported models are every-growing. Please feel free to request new
models by making a pull request.
The development branch of rchitex is currently working on providing statistical analysis of bibliographies. This help prevent authors from missing key pieces of literatures and help focus research.