An Ansible role that creates and installs a Concrete5 project on beetbox.
This role is specifically developed as an extension to beetbox --
Available variables are listed below, along with default values:
Create new Concrete5 project.
c5_checkout: no
Concrete5 project git respository.
c5_repo: ""
Concrete5 project version. This can be the full 40-character SHA-1 hash, the literal string HEAD, a branch name, or a tag name.
c5_version: "HEAD"
Concrete5 checkout depth. git is history truncated to the specified number or revisions.
c5_checkout_depth: 1
Install Concrete5.
c5_install: no
Concrete5 starting point.
c5_starting_point: "elemental_full"
Concrete5 admin account email.
c5_admin_mail: "[email protected]"
Concrete5 admin account password.
c5_admin_password: password
Concrete5 locale.
c5_default_locale: "en_US"
- Open terminal (or git bash for windows users) and run the following commands --
git clone concrete5 && cd $_
vagrant up
- Go to http://concrete5.local/
username: admin
password: admin