SmartMirror is a DIY project. Basically it is an LED-Matrix of 64x16 placed behind a translucent mirror. It is powered by a NodeMCU chip, so it has WiFi capabilities. It can show the time in some special decimal form (where the day has 10 hours, a hour 100 minutes and a minute 100 seconds) but a normal 24-hour format is also possible. A DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor provides ambient values. Through implementation of a simple HTTP server, the mirror can react to GET requests. It gathers the current time via NTP (thus it needs to be connected to the Internet).
Required libraries:
- Ultrathin_LED_Matrix by Seeed-Studio
- DHTstable by RobTillaart
- Time by PaulStoffregen
- Timezone by JChristensen
/clock10 | Shows the clock in decimal mode. |
/clock24 | Shows the clock in 24-hour format. |
/temperature | Returns the temperature. |
/humidity | Returns the humidity. |
/disable | Shuts off the display (but continues to respond to requests). |
/enable | Turns the display on. |
/text? | Shows text on the screen. style=[ marquee | rightbound | leftbound | center ], default is marquee In case of marquee: direction=[ right | left ], default is left; speed=THE HIGHER, THE SLOWER |
More information can be found on the project website