Note: This project is a work-in-progress.
- Whole-Body Control based on Hierarchical Optimization
- Zero-Moment-Point Center-of-Mass Motion Planner
- Low-level joint force control
- Differential inverse kinematics control
- Support consistent differential inverse kinematics control
- Calculate feed forward torques to pass to joint controller
- Generalize to arbitrary feet in contact for HoQpController
- Implement end-effector task for HoQpController
- Fix support polygons from ZMP motion planner
- Fix gait sequence feet order
- Get end-effector trajectory from ZMP motion planner
- Get A and b from polygon
- Implement zmp constraints
- Implement current position as constraint on first spline
- (Make constraint on final position a soft one)
- (Implement path regularizer?)
TODO: remove anymal_config.yaml TODO: give all topics 'animal' prefix
## Dependencies The lines
<plugin name="anymal_plugin" filename=""/>
must be added to the anymal_c_simple_description .urdf file for this to work.