If you use any of this, please cite the original thesis:
B. P. Graesdal, “Full Nonlinear System Identification for a Vertical-Takeoff-and-Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,” Master thesis, NTNU, 2021. Available: https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/2981320
If you are looking for the Babyshark 260 VTOL UAV model, it is implemented here: Dynamic Model of the Foxtech Babyshark 260 VTOL UAV
This repo is made publically available for future reference for work on system identification or further modelling of the Babyshark VTOL. This repo is not written to be used as a library in itself, although it does provide implementations of all the methods used in the system identification of the Babyshark VTOL UAV.