A smart contract library and dApp for tracking emission inventories across hydrocarbon fuel supply chains.
This project is curretnly undegoing restructuring:
- CAT network for private transfers and tracking of emission inventories by large companies (private network, e.g., Besu or Fabric)
- CAT dapp SDK for interactng with the CAT network (currently using node.js).
- Carbon organizational governance (COG) identity netowor for registering and managing the identities/roles of carbon management organizations / service providers. Use a public/permissionsed identity network, e.g., Indy.
- COG contracts for auditing private emission inventories (private network), registering carbon managment assets and exposing these to public carbon token programs (public network). E.g., emission certificates and carbon offset credits.
- Solidity - Smart contract compiler
npm install -g solc
- Truffle - Development toolkit
npm install -g truffle
Compile any changes to contract library
truffle compile
Use Ganache
npm install -g ganache-cli
If Ganache app already running
truffle migrate --network development
See truffle-config.js
for network config
Using local Besu network e.g. Besu quorum-test-network.
This is to deploy on private/permissioned EVM using POA consensus.
npx quorum-dev-quickstart
cd quorum-test-network
Start nodes as docker containers
for futher instructions and node management.
To deploy local network
truffle migrate --network local
Set INFURA_ROPSTEN and correspoinding PRIVATE_KEY envrionment variables in .env
from avaiable wallet
truffle migrate --network ropsten
See truffle-config.js
to configure a different network
Or flatten contract
truffle-flattener contracts/CAT.sol >> flatContract.sol
and compile/deploy CAT contract using Remix
Use the following MultisigWalletFactory (mswfactory) address as input (used to generate escrow contracts).
Latest CAT contract address is
Set CAT_ADDR (CAT contract address) in dapp/.env
Set NETWORK_URL .env variable to desired network (e.g., ropsten, ganache, besu)
npm install
npm start
if running a local network navigate to localhost