Functions for reading in data from the SoftMax software for a 96 well plate.
Open R script and copy from protein-bca-standcurve.R
Upload and run the latest version of softmax reader functions:
script <- getURL("", ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
eval(parse(text = script))
Open project in working directory (or set working directory). Edit out top and bottom lines from txt file. Create sample map.
finale_wrapper(sample_map = "",
softmax_file = "",
dilution_factor = 20)
- Figure out how to not have to edit the top and bottom lines from softmax pro output.
- Improve functions defensibility.
- Put fitted model into plot output.
- Finish function descriptions docs below.
- Reads in data from a .txt file exported from SoftMax
- Converts the columns and row names to the appropriate headings (A, B, C, etc.) and (1-8).
- Converts the above object into a tidy dataframe, where observations correspond to a well ID and an absorbance value
- Specifically written for working with the package {plater}
- Wrapper function including the two above.
- Also requires another file, the "sample map". This conforms to the format fromt {plater}, where the treatments applied to each well are put in a .csv file representing a 96 well plate.
- The read-in absorbance data is then merged with the sample map, all in a tidy data frame.