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Test JSChart images in dashboard emails
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sunnavy committed Dec 18, 2023
1 parent f8801fb commit 21edf1f
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 0 deletions.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions t/mail/dashboard-jschart.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
use strict;
use warnings;

use RT::Test
tests => undef,
config => qq{Set(\$EmailDashboardJSChartImages, 1);
Set(\@ChromeLaunchArguments, '--no-sandbox');
Set(\$ChromePath, '@{[$ENV{RT_TEST_CHROME_PATH} // '']}');

plan skip_all => 'Need WWW::Mechanize::Chrome and a chrome-based browser'
unless RT::StaticUtil::RequireModule("WWW::Mechanize::Chrome")
&& ( $ENV{RT_TEST_CHROME_PATH} || WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->find_executable('chromium') );

my $root = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'root' );

my ( $baseurl, $m ) = RT::Test->started_ok;
ok( $m->login, 'logged in' );
my $ticket = RT::Test->create_ticket(
Queue => 'General',
Subject => 'Test JSChart',

$m->get_ok(q{/Search/Chart.html?Query=Subject LIKE 'test JSChart'});
form_name => 'SaveSearch',
fields => {
SavedSearchDescription => 'chart foo',
SavedSearchOwner => 'RT::User-' . $root->id,
ChartStyle => 'bar',
button => 'SavedSearchSave',

# first, create and populate a dashboard
$m->field( 'Name' => 'dashboard foo' );
$m->click_button( value => 'Create' );

my ($dashboard_id) = ( $m->uri =~ /id=(\d+)/ );
ok( $dashboard_id, "Got an ID for the dashboard, $dashboard_id" );

$m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Content' } );

# add content, Chart: chart foo, to dashboard body
# we need to get the saved search id from the content before submitting the form.
my $regex = qr/data-type="(\w+)" data-name="RT::User-/ . $root->id . qr/-SavedSearch-(\d+)"/;
my ( $saved_search_type, $saved_search_id ) = $m->content =~ /$regex/;
ok( $saved_search_type, "Got a type for the saved search, $saved_search_type" );
ok( $saved_search_id, "Got an ID for the saved search, $saved_search_id" );

form_name => 'UpdateSearches',
fields => {
dashboard_id => $dashboard_id,
body => $saved_search_type . "-" . "RT::User-" . $root->id . "-SavedSearch-" . $saved_search_id,
button => 'UpdateSearches',
"Add content 'Chart: chart foo' to dashboard body"

like( $m->uri, qr/results=[A-Za-z0-9]{32}/, 'URL redirected for results' );
$m->content_contains('Dashboard updated');

$m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Subscription' } );
$m->field( 'Frequency' => 'daily' );
$m->field( 'Hour' => '06:00' );
$m->click_button( name => 'Save' );
$m->content_contains('Subscribed to dashboard dashboard foo');

command => $RT::SbinPath . '/rt-email-dashboards',
all => 1,

my @mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
is @mails, 1, "Got a dashboard mail";

# can't use parse_mail here is because it deletes all attachments
# before we can call bodyhandle :/
use RT::EmailParser;
my $parser = RT::EmailParser->new;
my $mail = $parser->ParseMIMEEntityFromScalar( $mails[0] );
like( $mail->head->get('Subject'), qr/Daily Dashboard: dashboard foo/, 'Mail subject' );

my ($mail_image) = grep { $_->mime_type eq 'image/png' } $mail->parts;
ok( $mail_image, 'Mail contains image attachment' );
require Imager; # Imager is a dependency of WWW::Mechanize::Chrome
my $imager = Imager->new();
$imager->open( data => $mail_image->bodyhandle->as_string, type => 'png' );
is( $imager->bits, 8, 'Image bit depth is 8' ); # Images created by GD::Graph have 4-bit color depth

# The first bar's color is #a6cee3, which is (166, 206, 227),
# on Apple Display preset, it's converted to (174, 205, 225).
my $bar_color = $imager->getpixel( x => 300, y => 200 );
my $srgb_color = Imager::Color->new( 166, 206, 227 );
my $p3_color = Imager::Color->new( 174, 205, 225 );
ok( $bar_color->equals( other => $srgb_color ) || $bar_color->equals( other => $p3_color ),
'Image bar color is #a6cee3' );


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