This repository contains the code used as a part of our team's submission for the 2021 3c Shared task. Task 1 was titled 'Citation Context Classification based on Purpose' where the Team (IREL) ranked first among the 22 participants on the leaderboard and Task 2 was aimed at classifying citation context based on Influence where the team ranked second on the private leaderboard.
The repository contains the code for both the subtasks including all the experiments and their results on validation.
For the first task we use a weighted loss function for this experiment.
The training code can be run by python3 <model name> <batch size> <lr> <drop out> <file prefix>
Example : python3 allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased 4 0.00001 0 run1
This experiment is only applicable to task 1 where we compare the results achieved by using weighted and unweighted loss functions.
The training code can be run by python3 <model name> <batch size> <lr> <drop out> <file prefix>
Adding an LSTM layer after scibert instead of linear neural net layer.
The training code can be run by python3 <model name> <batch size> <lr> <drop out> <file prefix>
Here we concatenate the citing title as well along with citation context and use it with an architecture similar to that of first experiment (scibert with a linear layer)
The training code can be run by python3 <model name> <batch size> <lr> <drop out> <file prefix>
We try to use random forest method to classify the embeddings reieved from scibert.
The two hyperparameters involved are maximum tree depth and the number of trees in the forest which have been set to 35 and 1000 in the code provided
The training code can be run by python3 <file prefix>