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Game of Life

A React implementation of the popular Conway's Game of Life, using React + Typescript + Vite + Redux + TailwindCSS.

What is Conway's Game of Life?

Conway's Game of Life is a set of rules that create an algorithm that simulates simple life on a two-dimensional board. This board is made up of either dead or alive cells, and each generation produces new cells based on the following restrictions:

  1. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours survives.
  2. Any dead cell with three live neighbours becomes a live cell.
  3. All other live cells die in the next generation. Similarly, all other dead cells stay dead.

Developer Setup


  • NodeJS 14+

Running the application locally

Clone the repository and navigate into it inside a terminal. Run npm i to install all necessary dependencies, and afterwards simply run npm run dev to start a Vite dev server. By default, this will open a server listening at http://localhost:3000/GameOfLife.

Running tests

To run the automated tests (located in the tests directory), run npm run test, which will load vitest and run through the various React Testing Library tests.

Running the linter

This project uses ESLint as an automated styling / linting tool. To ensure the project meets expected code guidelines and quality, run npm run lint. If the program terminates and nothing is logged, no issues were found.


Contributions are welcome! If you spot a typo or a subtle bug, please open a pull request, ensure that all tests pass and the linter detects no issues, and we'll go from there.


A React replication of Game Of Life







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