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A Vue.js Blender style area manager to create custom layouts


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Areas title

A Vue.js Blender style area manager to create custom layouts.

Areas split Areas resize

Areas swap Areas delete

Areas aims to provide a flexible and customizable environment to create custom UI layouts using Vue.js.

It is possible to split (vertical/horizontal), resize, swap and delete areas as needed. The current layout can be saved and loaded later. Components in areas are cached and not rerendered when the layout is edited. Areas width and height are percentage ratio based so resizing the viewport resizes areas accordingly. Styles can be customized using CSS variables.



Use npm:

npm i @bimdata/areas


Import Areas in your Vue.js app:

import Areas from "@bimdata/areas";

Use it in your component:

  <div class="yourComponent">
    <Areas :cfg="areasCfg" />

Configuration example:

const areasCfg = {
  // The available components that will be used in areas.
  components: [
    { render: h => h("div", "Content I") },
    { render: h => h("div", "Content II") },
    { render: h => h("div", "Content III") }
  // The layout divided in areas, composed by areas or area containers.
  layout: {
    // area container
    direction: "row",
    ratios: [20, 80],
    children: [
        // area
        componentIndex: 0,
        // area container
        direction: "column",
        ratios: [40, 60],
        children: [
            // area
            componentIndex: 1,
            // area
            componentIndex: 2


Areas simple example



Areas needs an object as cfg props:


Property Type Description
components array Required. An array of Vue.js components.
layout array Required. An area or an area container.
separatorThickness number Optional. Default to 2. The thickness of separators.
separatorDetectionMargin number Optional. Default to 10. Margin of the detection region on separators. This helps the user to get the separator with the mouse even if it is small.
areaMinRatio number Optional. Default to 0. The minimal ratio of an area.
defaultComponent object Optional. Default to a component that renders nothing. The default component is used when splitting the window or using componentIndex = null.
dragImage object Optional. An object to customize drag image. Properties are img, xOffset and yOffset and match setDragImage web API.


Property Type Description
componentIndex number Required. A valid index of the cfg.components array, or null for the default component.
name string Optional. A name, used to retrieve area content.
cfg object Optional. A data object used to pass props, event listener,... to the component instance.

area container:

Property Type Description
ratios array Required. An array of integers representing the percentage of the corresponding children in the container. Length must be > 1.
children array Required. An array of area or area container. Must have the same length as ratios.
direction string Optional. Default to row. Can be changed to column. The way areas is displayed in the container.


Areas component instance can be set with modes:

  • split-vertical: a vertical bar is displayed on top of the hovered (active) area. Clicking splits the area vertically.
  • split-horizontal: a horizontal bar is displayed on top of the hovered (active) area. Clicking splits the area horizontally.
  • swap: areas can be dragged and dropped to swap them.
  • delete: clicking area deletes it. (It is impossible to delete the last remaining area.)

To set a mode, use setMode on areas instance: (usage example with ref)

this.$refs.areas.setMode(mode); // mode must be "split-vertical", "split-horizontal", "swap", "delete" or null to exit modes

When the mode is different from null, overlays is displayed on areas. To change overlays style, use corresponding css variables.


Splitting, deletting and swapping fire events that can be listened on areas component.

Name Arguments
area-splitted { areaId, newAreaId, way, percentage, insertNewAfter }
area-deletted { areaId }
areas-swapped { areaId1, areaId2 }

Public Methods

Methods on Areas instance:

Name Arguments Description
getCurrentLayout() none Get the current layout.
loadLayout(layout) layout: Required. A layout object get by calling getCurrentLayout. Load a saved layout.
changeAreaContent(areaId, contentCfg) areaId: Required. The id of the area to change the content. contentCfg: Required. An area content object. Change the content of an area.
setMode(mode) mode: Required. See Modes Change Areas mode.
deleteArea(areaId) areaId: Required. Delete area with this id.
splitArea(areaId, way, percentage = 50, insertNewAfter = true) areaId: Required. way: Required. "vertical" or "horizontal". percentage, the percentage from left or top. insertNewAfter, if the new area is inserted after or before the splitted one. Split area.
swapAreas(areaId1, areaId2) areaId1 & areaId2: Required numbers Swap areas.
getAreaContentByName(name) name: Required string Get area content by name.


It is possible to customize areas style declaring CSS variables:

/* Cursors */
--areas-delete-cursor some-valid-cursor;
--areas-vertical-resize-cursor some-valid-cursor;
--areas-horizontal-resize-cursor some-valid-cursor;
--areas-vertical-split-cursor: some-valid-cursor;
--areas-horizontal-split-cursor: some-valid-cursor;
--areas-drag-cursor some-valid-cursor;
--areas-dragging-cursor: some-valid-cursor;
--areas-delete-cursor some-valid-cursor;

/* Areas basics */
--areas-background-color: color;
--areas-separator-color: color;
--areas-split-line-color: color;
--areas-active-box-shadow: box-shadow;

/* Areas modes overlays */
--areas-overlay-color: color;
--areas-overlay-outline-offset: outline-offset-px;
--areas-overlay-outline: css-outline-properties;

--areas-overlay-split-color: color;
--areas-overlay-split-outline-offset: outline-offset-px;
--areas-overlay-split-outline: css-outline-properties;

--areas-overlay-delete-color: color;
--areas-overlay-delete-outline-offset: outline-offset-px;
--areas-overlay-delete-outline: css-outline-properties;

--areas-overlay-swap-color: color;
--areas-overlay-swap-outline-offset: outline-offset-px;
--areas-overlay-swap-outline: css-outline-properties;

--areas-overlay-swapover-color: color;
--areas-overlay-swapover-outline-offset: outline-offset-px;
--areas-overlay-swapover-outline: css-outline-properties;

css-outline-properties some-valid-cursor

Area injection

Each child component in an area is able to get some area utilities from the area it lives in by injecting $area:

  // Your Vue.js component
  inject: ["$area"]

The $area object provides the following properties:

Property Description
id The id of the area.
domElement The domElement of the area.
component The Vue.js component instance of the area.
contentComponent The Vue.js component instance of the first child of the area. (It is different from area.$children[0] due to implementation)
areas The Areas Vue.js component instance.
onChange(handler) A method that accepts a callback (handler) as parameter. The handler is called when area change (swap) with newAreaId and OldAreaId as parameters.
offChange(handler) A method that accepts a callback (handler) as parameter to stop listening to area change with this handler.


To know areas size (number of areas) :

// The host component
  data() {
    return {
      areasSize: null,
  mounted() {
    this.$watch(() => this.$refs.areas.size, size => { // ref="areas" must be placed on Areas component
      this.areasSize = size;
    }, {
      immediate: true
  // ...


Build on-change for development and serve:

npm run dev

All Tests:

npm run build:prod
npm run test

Unit tests:

npm run build:prod
npm run test:unit

E2e tests:

npm run build:prod
npm run test:e2e

To e2e test on development (this builds in production mode and open cypress instead of running it):

npm run test:e2e-dev