Welcome to the course website for BNFO262/BGGN237/BIOM262: Quantitative Methods in Genetics and Genomics!
This interactive course is taught by a variety of experts in the field of genetics and genomics! These experts will go over the conceptual background behind different sequencing technologies and/or analytical techniques, as well as provide an interactive introduction to performing bioinformatics analyses in the form of Jupyter Notebooks
Check out the course syllabus for more details.
Welcome to the course lecture repository for the 2025 quarter. This repository contains essential resources, assignments, and materials for the course. Below, you’ll find the link to the OneDrive folder that hosts all the lecture videos for this quarter.
The lecture videos for the 2025 quarter are organized into modules 1 through 10. Each module covers different topics relevant to the course, providing in-depth explanations and insights.
You can access the lecture videos for the 2025 quarter by clicking the link below:
OneDrive: 2025 Quarter Lecture Videos
Please note that there might be no sound if you watch the recordings directly on OneDrive; in that case please watch the recordings on Canvas or download the video from OneDrive.
Week | Starting Date | Topic | Lecturer(s) | DataHub Environment | Homework Released |
1 | Jan 7 | Module 1: Programming Basics in Python, UNIX, and R | TAs | programming-R | None |
2 | Jan 14 | Module 2: Introduction to Statistics | Graham McVicker | stats | None |
3 | Jan 21 | Module 3: Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and QTL mapping | Graham McVicker | gwas | Homework 1 (due 1/30 9 am) |
4 | Jan 28 | Module 4: Population Genetics | Tiffany Amariuta | popgen | None |
5 | Feb 4 | Module 5: RNA-Sequencing (RNA-seq) | Robert Morey | rna-seq | Homework 2 (due 2/13 9 am) |
6 | Feb 11 | Module 6: Chromatin and ChIP-Sequencing (ChIP-seq) | Alon Goren | chipseq | Midterm (due 2/20 9 am) |
7 | Feb 18 | Module 7: Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing (scRNA-seq) | Robert Morey | scrna-seq | None |
8 | Feb 25 | Module 8: Variant Calling | Kyle Gaulton | variant_calling | Homework 3 (due 3/6 9 am) |
9 | Mar 4 | Module 9: Image Processing and Spatial Transcriptomics | Johannes Schöneberg Colin Kern + Quan Zhu |
imgproc spatial-tx |
None |
10 | Mar 11 | Module 10: Network Biology | Hannah Carter | networks | None |
11 | Mar 18 | Finals Week | - | - | Take-Home Final (due 3/18 at 11:59 pm) |