Beta Program
all main features remain available to all users
New Features
Prepare for the introduction of Derivatives trading
Improved WS disconnection behaviour and messaging
Introduced a confirmation dialog before "app reset" to prevent unintentional losses of information
Introduced the possibility of clearing the application, while still saving the strategies' logic for reuse
Improved OS integration, but saving app window size an position across sessions
Technical Improvements
Minor UI improvements
Fixes: on MacOS, closing the app while in full screen shows a black screen
Reverted TWAP order to its previous state
Fixed: WS doesn't return info.auid on auth
Fixed: changing API accounts didn't update user's order history or list
Fixed: Electron updater error in zip packages
Fixed: Removed Beta-Program feature flag from strategies
Fixed: Fullscreen and notification popups became inactive when modals are active
Minor UI fixes
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