Releases: bitvavo/java-bitvavo-api
Releases · bitvavo/java-bitvavo-api
JAVA Bitvavo API
Java Bitvavo API
- Added account endpoint
- Added example for stoploss
Java Bitvavo API
Merge pull request #5 from bitvavo/dependabot/maven/junit-junit-4.13.1 Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1
Java Bitvavo API
Implemented the following changes to the API
- Added bestBidSize and bestAskSize to tickerBook and websocket ticker.
- Added bestBid, bestBidSize, bestAsk, bestAskSize and timestamp to ticker24h.
- Added tradeIdFrom/tradeIdTo and orderIdFrom/orderIdTo to limit returned trades/orders (deprecating tradeId/orderId in those searches).
- Added ticker24h websocket stream.
Java Bitvavo API
The Java Bitvavo API wrapper.