resolver ad2s1210 code for Texas Instruments TMS F28379D
This code interface the F28379D to an AD2S1210 board using SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
The AD2S1210 creates an excitation signal to be sent to the resolver and decodes the sin/cos signals to an absolute position and also gives the rotational speed
You can buy the board that interface the AD2S1210 on
Here are some tips of connection and configuration
PCS is not a positive Chip Select, it is an /CS so leave it NC or to GND
You need to set A0, A1, RESET at 3.3V
A0 and A1 logical high means that the device is in configuration mode, we can configure it (excitation frequency, resolution) but also read the data
Control Register
To set the resolution, we need to send on SPI :
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = AD2S1210_REG_CNTRL<<8;
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = 0x7F<<8; // 16 bits and 0x7E for 12 bit
Important For 8-bit data, you need to shift left (LSL) by 8 bits before sending it to SPITXBUF = data << 8;
The complete code, with the correct SPI /CS and timing:
// Setting resolution to 16bits
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = AD2S1210_REG_CNTRL<<8;
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dummy = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF;
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
//DELAY_US(0.01); //10ns
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = 0x7F<<8; // 16 bits and 0x7E for 12 bit
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dummy = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF;
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
Setting the excitation frequency
Even if it is 10 kHz, I noticed that we must configure it, see void ad2s1210_conf(void);
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dummy = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF;
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
// SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = 0x12<<8; // 4.5KHz
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = 0x28<<8; // 10KHz
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dummy = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF;
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
Sampling the data
Sample line must be put Low than High in order to do the conversion
this is an example of reading the position, velocity and error (fault) by using A0 an A1 after a Sample request
I don't do that in my program, I am always in Configuration mode (A0 and A1 high)
I sample, then I read the data
Here is how to Sample
void AD2S1210_SAMPLING() {
GPIO_WritePin(AD2S1210_SAMPLE, 1);
GPIO_WritePin(AD2S1210_SAMPLE, 0);
DELAY_US(2); // t16 = 2 × tCK + 20 ns min = 2 us pour tclk=1us
GPIO_WritePin(AD2S1210_SAMPLE, 1);
DELAY_US(4); // t17-t16 = (6-2) × tCK ns min
// can be avoided if the read is performed long after
// now we can read
2 CLK periods then 4 CLK periods
As I am not sure about the fclk, which should be less than 6.144 MHz (Datasheet) but on the board there is a 10 MHz quartz... I used my SPI CLK (1 MHz) as a reference for my ticks. I think we can go much faster of course, if your wires are short.
SCLK 1 us (fclk= 1 MHz)
t16=2*1us+20ns = 2.02 us
t17=6*1us+20ns = 6.02 us
Then we can read the position and/or the velocity and the error registers.
Important For 8-bit data, you need to shift left (LSL) by 8 bits before sending it to SPITXBUF = data << 8;
This is due to F28379D SPI which is a 16 bits one than can be confugured in 8 bits
While reading from SPIRXBUF is aligned to the least significant bit (LSB)
To read a register, we must first transmit the register to be read on the SPI TX register than we do a dummy read on the SPI RX register, then we transmit a dummy (0x00) on TX and we read the actual value.
As we need to read 16 bits, here is how we do
Uint16 AD2S1210_Read_Pos()
Uint16 dummy;
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = AD2S1210_REG_POS_H<<8; // ask High Pos
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dummy = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF; // dummy read to clear the INT_FLAG bit
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
//DELAY_US(0.01); //10ns
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = AD2S1210_REG_POS_L<<8; // ask Low Pos
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dataH = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF; // Read High
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
//DELAY_US(0.01); //10ns
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 0);
SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = 0x00; // dummy write to push data on SPI RX
while(SpiaRegs.SPISTS.bit.INT_FLAG == 0);
dataL = SpiaRegs.SPIRXBUF; // Read Low
GPIO_WritePin(SCS_GPIO, 1);
return (dataH << 8) | dataL; // return the 16 bits Pos
Configuration of SPI on F28379d
I use the TI F28379d Launchpad with the following GPIO configuration
SDI means Serial Data Input so it is a MOSI: Master (DSC) Output Slave Input
The AD2S1210 /WR line is the SPI /CS line. Do not confuse with AD2S1210 /CS that mus always held low
#define SDI_GPIO 58
#define SDO_GPIO 59
#define CLK_GPIO 60
#define CLK_MUX 15
#define SCS_GPIO 61 // /WR c'est le /CS de la SPI
#define AD2S1210_WR SCS_GPIO
#define AD2S1210_SAMPLE 18
Faults than can occur
For example if the USB power is not enough, I started having:
0x08 LOT
0x60 LOS DOS
0x00 No error
There are 2 red leds that powers when LOT and DOS faults appear
special thanks to for their code for STM which inspires me