This Snippet was to enable the HMRC Starter Checklist PDF to be pragmatically filled by a python app. It was "written" for a project (that didn't end up being presented) at NHS Hackday #22 in London.
For a little more background see my post "Snippet: Filling a PDF form using Python"
Ensure pipenv
is installed see for how to setup on your platform of choice.
To get started and set-up virtualenv and install dependencies initially:
git clone
cd python-pdf-form-filling
pipenv install --dev
so that the values of the starter_checklist
dict corespond to the answers to the questions on the HMRC form.
starter_checklist = {
'first_names': 'Frederic John',
'last_name': 'Smith',
'sex': 'm', # Either 'm' or 'f'
'date_of_birth': date(1980, 12, 30),
'address': "123 Fake Street \n Westminster \n London",
'postcode': 'AB1 2CD',
'country': 'United Kingdom',
'ni_number': 'AB123456F',
'question_8': 'a', # 'a', 'b' or 'c'
'question_9': True,
'question_10': False,
'question_11': '',
'question_12': '', # '1', '2', 'b'
'question_13': False,
'question_14': '',
'question_15': '',
Then run python
to produce starter_form.pdf