Generate LGTM image from your favorite images on Dropbox !
- Download an image from your Dropbox.
- Add "LGTM" on the downloaded image.
- Many options
- Change "LGTM" text color.
- Select "LGTM" text color automatically.
- Change "LGTM" text itself.
- Set semi-transparent background under "LGTM" text.
- Use Gif image as original one.
- Resize the image.
- Generate Gif image.
- Upload the image to Gyazo.
- Consider the usage frequency.
option has been obsoleted.
To add gif text on image, use --text-gif
If you want to use Gif image on Dropbox, use --use-gif
Rename settings.json.sample
to settings.json
$ mv settings.json.sample settings.json
$ vi settings.json
Write your access_token of Dropbox & target directory in Dropbox.
To get access_token, you need to access Dropbox Developers page and create your app.
NOTE: The target directory is a string which starts and ends with slash, e.g. /path/to/img/
You can generate LGTM image as output.jpg
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb
Use --color
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --color white
Use --auto-color
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --auto-color
Use --text
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --text GREAT
In settings.json
, you should add cjk_font
as the PATH of the proper font in your local machine.
For example,
"cjk_font": "/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ丸ゴ ProN W4.ttc"
Use --background
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --background
Use --use-gif
Only .gif
image will be selected as the original image.
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --use-gif
Use --size
should be like 640x480
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --size 640x480
Use --text-gif
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --text-gif
# output.gif will be generated instead
Edit gyazo_access_token
in settings.json.
(You can get access_token from here by creating new app)
Then, use --upload
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --upload
# After uploading image, You can get the Gyazo Image URL
use --history
By reading history.json
automatically, the least frequently used image will be adopted as output image.
$ ruby lgtm-generator-from-dropbox.rb --history
# history.json will be created