JEFF - Java Explanation Facility Framework is an explanation facility framework written in Java. Explanation facilities date from the era of expert systems (ES) where they were used in order to provide an explanation about the inference process. The explanation they provided was supposed to clarify how the ES reached its conclusions (the "HOW" explanation) or why it asked some question during fact acquisition (the "WHY" explanation).
It is important to note that JEFF is, at this point, intended to provide the "HOW" and “STRATEGY” explanations but not the “WHY” explanation. The first one is a step-by-step explanation on how the ES reached its conclusions during the inference process. The second one is inteded to clarify strategic decisions that affected the inference process. Also, it is important to know that REs and BRMSs rarely query the user directly by asking questions. In most cases, they gather facts from databases, live business processes etc. so there is no need for a "WHY" explanation.
The intended audience for this project is from the realm of scientific and educational, but is by no means limited to them. Developers and other business users are most welcome to exploit JEFF in their projects.