A simple library-wrapper for NovaPost API.
I was rather surprised by how sparse the availability of NovaPost API libraries for Go is, and so decided to make one of my own which would be simple to use and try to stick to the original API reference as much as possible.
Just go get the libbo.
go get github.com/sirkostya009/go-novapost
package main
import (
np "github.com/sirkostya009/go-novapost"
func main() {
c := np.NewClient(os.Getenv("NOVA_POST_API_KEY"))
citiesRes, _ := c.GetCities(np.CityRequest{
FindByString: "Київ",
Limit: 150,
Page: 1,
for _, city := range citiesRes.Data {
fmt.Println(city.Description) // prints "Київ" and "Київець"
You can also customize your client by passing options to it. Note, however, that none of them are required, with client defaulting to JSON and no timeout.
c := np.NewClient(os.Getenv("NOVA_POST_API_KEY"),
WithJSON, // default
np.WithTimeout(5 * time.Second),
np.WithURL("https://api.novaposhta.ua/v2.0/json/"), // set automatically by WithXML, WithJSON
There's also an option for rawdogging requests, in case something you wish to do is not supported by the library.
res, err := c.RawRequest(np.Request{
// we don't need to pass an api key, it will be set inside RawRequest method
ModelName: "Model",
CalledMethod: "method",
MethodProperties: map[string]any{
"foo": "bar",
for _, m := range res.Data {
fmt.Println(m["foo"]) // res.Data is a slice of maps
- Fix tests
- Fix XML
- Add constants for common strings, like "Sender" or "ThirdPerson"
If you wish to fix a bug or perhaps have a better idea of how to implement x, feel free to fork this repo and open a PR. Make sure existing tests are passing and that you've added tests for your changes, too.