Rakumarket <img src=“https://secure.travis-ci.org/bonsaiben/rakumarket.png”> <img src=“https://gemnasium.com/bonsaiben/rakumarket.png”>¶ ↑
A reader-friendly Ruby abstraction of the Rakuten Market API.
See the Github page for detailed usage information.
The goal was to abstract Rakuten’s complex API away from users and provide a simpler, easier-to-read Ruby interface in its place.
Idiomatic Ruby
Simpler and more readable representation of the underlying API
Concrete classes and methods
gem install rakumarket
A Rakuten developer ID is required.
require 'rakumarket' Rakumarket.developer_id = 'your_developer_id'
Please see the wiki for a more comprehensive documentation.
Rakumarket.item_search "roomba", :price => {:maximum => 30000}
Rakumarket.item_lookup "act-corp:10000580"
Rakumarket.item_ranking :sex => :male, :age_range => (20..29)
remaining APIs
RDoc markup
Released under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE][] file for further details.
Rakumarket is influenced by multiple other Ruby API wrappers including instagram, groupon and facebooker.
[license]: LICENSE