New Behaviors :
Users are not deleted, but is_active is set to False instead when an account is no longer required (for whatever reason). By doing so, if the application has any foreign keys to users, the foreign keys won’t break.
When a user is deactivated, his account is limited :
- He can't log in
- He can't get money by a transfer
- He doesn't appear in the list of users in AdminView, by default
- He doesn't appear in autocompletion
- He can't buy in shops
- He can't be added to manage Shops
- He can't be added by the manual management of SharedEvent. However, he can still be added by an Excel. Indeed, for now there are no error messages displayed for excels, that's why i believe Borgia should not refuse the user without noticing it.
At the deactivation :
- the user is removed from all admin groups.
What can still be done (list not exhaustive):
- use the payment function
- SharedEvent managed by the user are not destroyed (even if there are not done). The goal is to prevent losing data.
- Deactivate a user is reversible !! An admin can still modify information about the user, including re-activate him.
Changes :
- Add state field for searching all users, or only activated or unactivated. Remove old field "unactivate".
- Modifications in template :
- Last name and First name column regrouped
- New column with usernames
- Use fa icons to order the list of users
- Remove "Details" column if the user group doesn't have the "retrieve user" permission.
Display of the list of users, in AdminView, is changed :
- The state ChoiceField now contains 4 choices :
- All activated user
- Only user who have a negative balance
- Only user who are under the threshold balance
- Only deactivated users
- The activated/deactivated column, no longer pertinent, is removed
- New field in inventory : can chose full or partial inventory
- Forbid inventory with two same product inside it ee8dcd3
- Fix autocompletion behavior
- Fix case sensitivity for completion
- Fix login redirection
- Change lateral Menu (#62)
- Fix finance search