(P.I. Joe Jarvis)
mkdir ~/.venvs
mkdir ~/source
# create VENV
python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/ambition
# activate VENV
source ~/.venvs/ambition
# update pip
pip install -U pip ipython
# clone main project
cd ~/source/
git https://github.com/ambition-study/ambition.git
# install requirements
cd ~/source/ambition
pip install -r requirements.txt # or production
# create database
mysql -u <user> -p -Bse 'create database ambition character set utf8;'
# migrate
python manage.py migrate
# import required data
python manage.py import_randomization_list
python manage.py import_holidays
# check for any obvious issues
python manage.py check
If logging through syslog is implemented, you need to configure rsyslog.
nano /etc/rsyslog.d/30-ambition.conf
add this to the file
# /etc/rsyslog.d/30-ambition.conf
local7.* /var/log/ambition.log
& ~ # This stops local7.* from going anywhere else.
restart rsyslog
sudo service rsyslog restart
view the log
tail -n 25 -f /var/log/ambition.log