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Individual Contribution Report 2 Beyza Akçınar
I am Beyza Akçınar, a member of the Group #3 for the course CMPE 352. To find out more about me, you can visit this page.
I decided to use OpenWeatherAPI while creating my application. OpenWeatherAPI is a weather data provider that offers access to a wide range of weather-related information and forecasts. I mainly used the 5 day weather forecast and air pollution APIs provided to retrieve weather data for various locations around the world.
I implemented 3 GET and 2 POST api calls in my application.
- weather(GET): Route=
. - forecast(GET): Route=
. - forecast(POST): Route=
. - air_quality(GET): Route=
. - air_quality(POST): Route=
def fetch_weather_data(city, API_key, weather_url, forecast_url):
response = requests.get(weather_url.format(city, API_key)).json()
if response['cod'] == '404': #if city name is not valid
return None, None
lat, lon = response['coord']['lat'], response['coord']['lon']
all_response = requests.get(forecast_url.format(lat, lon, API_key)).json()
weather_data = {
"city" : city,
"temperature" : round(response['main']['temp'] - 273.15, 1),
"description" : response['weather'][0]['description'],
"icon" : response['weather'][0]['icon']
forecast_data = []
for data in all_response['list'][:40:8]:
"day" : datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data['dt']).strftime("%A"),
"min_temperature" : round(data['main']['temp_min'] - 273.15, 1),
"max_temperature" : round(data['main']['temp_max'] - 273.15, 1),
"description" : data['weather'][0]['description'],
"icon" : data['weather'][0]['icon']
return weather_data, forecast_data
def fetch_air_quality_data(city, API_key, weather_url, air_url):
response = requests.get(weather_url.format(city, API_key)).json()
if response['cod'] == '404': #if city name is not valid
return None, None
lat, lon = response['coord']['lat'], response['coord']['lon']
air_response = requests.get(air_url.format(lat, lon, API_key)).json()
weather_data = {"city" : city}
air_quality_data = []
air_index_data = ['Good', 'Fair', 'Moderate', 'Poor', 'Very Poor']
for data in air_response['list'][:40:8]:
"day" : datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data['dt']).strftime("%A"),
"index" : air_index_data[int(data['main']['aqi'])-1],
"CO" : data['components']['co'],
"NO" : data['components']['no'],
"NO2" : data['components']['no2'],
"O3" : data['components']['o3'],
"SO2" : data['components']['so2']
return weather_data, air_quality_data
Each of these functions are called from POST functions and fetched json data is processed to return only the needed parts. You can view my application here.
class FetchWeatherDataTestCase(TestCase):
def test_fetch_weather_data_with_valid_city(self):
city = 'New York'
weather_data, forecast_data = fetch_weather_data(city, API_key, weather_url, forecast_url)
city = 'London'
weather_data, forecast_data = fetch_weather_data(city, API_key, weather_url, forecast_url)
def test_fetch_weather_data_with_invalid_city(self):
city = 'Invalid Name'
weather_data, forecast_data = fetch_weather_data(city, API_key, weather_url, forecast_url)
class FetchAirQualityDataTestCase(TestCase):
def test_fetch_air_quality_data_with_valid_city(self):
city = 'New York'
weather_data, air_quality_data = fetch_air_quality_data(city, API_key, weather_url, air_url)
def test_fetch_air_quality_data_with_invalid_city(self):
city = 'Invalid Name'
weather_data, air_quality_data = fetch_air_quality_data(city, API_key, weather_url, air_url)
Since this was my first time using GitHub for collaborative code development, I have faced some issues. Especially during the initial process of developing our practice application, I was hesitant to take action in case I might result in some irreversible problems. Even though this process was mentally challenging, I gained more skills and confidence after this experience. I have become more comfortable with opening significant issues, navigating through GitHub, creating branches and pull requests when necessary. I also learned so much from our group members. In addition, our group took a risk and decided on using Django Framework for creating our practice application. Even though I had experience with developing web applications with another tools before, I am thankful to this decision since learning another significant tool surely enhanced my capabilities as a developer. Also, installing all of the necessary tools, setting the environment for development and getting used to using another framework was also challenging.