Rescore cvss3 and 3.1 results from any json file based on custom rules.
Cvss scoring consists of three components: Base, Temporal, and Environmental.
When working with third-party dependency (SCA) vulnerabilities, nearly every tool reports it's scores only using the base score. This is understandable, as the reporters of the vulnerabilities would only know about the vulnerabilities themselves. They would have no idea how the vulnerable package is actually used in your project. Do you have mitigating controls in place? Is it only a test project? Is it only in a protected CI/CD pipeline? All of these factors and more can impact the environmental score, which can lower the actual score of a vulnerability significantly.
We use the cvss-rescore packate as a post-processor after our SCA scan has been run. Because the cvss-rescore package can take any json format output, it is tool-agnostic. We have tested it successfully using Dependabot and JFrog Xray, but there's no reason any other tool can't be used so long as the output is json.
Because we leverage the Python rule-engine package as a dependency, users can create a rules_actions.json file in their root directory. Users can create as many rules as they need, modifying one or more cvss vector metrics per rule.
- Python 3.6 or higher
- A working knowledge of CVSS calcuation. You can reference the calculator at
You can find the package at
To install, simply run 'pip install cvss-rescore' from the command line
You can get the current documentation at
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.3.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see