demo project to show apache kafka and docker in action.
Download vagrant from
Download VirtualBox from
Go to the directory vagrant and type
vagrant up
Login to the virtual machine
vagrant ssh
with password vagrant if the terminal promt does not appear.
The virtual machine runs on ip
Start a consumer by running ConsumerDemo or SimpleStreamsDemo for a streaming client demo
Start a producer by running ProducerDemo
Start ConsumerDemo from your favorite IDE and publish some messages by running ProducerDemo
Open and use as connection string. Auth credentials are not required.
Located at
- ConsumerDemo Consumer implementation waiting for messages to consume
- ProducerDemo Creates 10 messages, can received by ConsumerDemo or SimpleStreamsDemo
- EndlessProducerDemo Creates messages every 500ms
- ProducerCallbackDemo Producer with callback to test if a message was successfully sent
- SimpleStreamsDemo Demonstrates the Kafka Streaming API