Release 2.0.0 of BQ Marlin firmware for 3D Printers
Hephestos Prusa i3
Hephestos Prusa i3 (with long bed kit).
Witbox 2
Hephestos 2
Under the hood:
Synced with upstream Marlin (git-9b50ec) (20150228) with additional fixes.
Built with Arduino SDK 1.6.4.
Built wit C++11 support.
Dropped support for Arduino IDE. Use the provided Makefile instead, see for detailed instructions.
New hardware support:
Support for additional Arduino pins, extending the SDK file, required by BQ-CNC and BQ-Zum Mega3D boards.
Support for new printers Hephestos 2 and Witbox 2.
Improved support for LCD display 12864U5.
Increased material extrusion on filament insertion, to ensure that the hotend is totally clean (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Increased retraction of material on pause and filament change to avoid leaving drops of material on the piece (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Fixed low extrusion after pausing and/or filament change (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Fixed wrong retraction on M600 GCode (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Fixed non-linear behaviour of thermistor for increased accuracy on temperature measurement (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Ensure buffer is cleared after finishing or cancelling a printing (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Fixed reading long filenames on SD card (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Fixed crash when browsing up to 10 levels of subdirectories (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Changed drivers pulse frequency to enhance real-time response and layer-shifting protection (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Improved endstop logic (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Removed last levelling point (confirmation point) (W/H/HXL).
Changed some operational positions to improve usability and uniformity between printers (W/H/HXL).
New features:
New graphical interface for LCD display 12864U5 (W2/H2).
Renewed auto-levelling feature with improved precision and accuracy (W2/H2).
Sensor-assisted wizard for manual levelling (W2/H2).
Support for new double drive gear (DDG) extruder (W2/H2).
New real-time PID control for DDG extruder (W2/H2).
Multilanguage support on a single build: English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish and Russian (W2/H2).
Inactivity mode (W2/H2).
Serial printing screen (W2/H2).
Smart Light (W2).
Automatic base detection (W2).
Configurable chassis fan (W2).
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