Release 2.1.0 of BQ Marlin firmware for 3D Printers
Hephestos Prusa i3
Hephestos Prusa i3 (with long bed kit).
Witbox 2
Hephestos 2
Fixed: Printing from SD stops if USB cable is disconnected (W2/H2).
Fixed: Changing filament, inherited feedrate can produce sliding on extruder (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Fixed serial printing from Cura 15.04 and possibly other host systems (W/H/HXL/W2/H2).
Skip temperature animation on manual levelling when temperature is already above preheat value (W2/H2).
Fixed: Printing position can be lost after a fast filament change (W2/H2).
Auto-levelling option can now be built on 1st generation printers (W/H/HXL).
Blower is now activated when a percent of speed (M106) is selected (always 100% of speed is used though) (W2/H2).
Fixed serial printing entering in inactivity state if M800 is not used.
Reduce printing slowdown with very short segments due to screen updates (W2/H2).
Added board serial number to M115 response over serial (W2/H2).
Reduce one check on double homing (base detection) algorithm (W2).
New features:
Added an error screen when special (non supported) characters are used on file names or folders (W2/H2).
Added a new statistics screen. Now printing time and successful/cancelled printings are stored on EEPROM (W2/H2).
Italian, Russian and Portuguese fixes (W2/H2).
Minor changes on all languages (W2/H2).
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