A keyword search plugin for Backbone.Collections
This plugin adds a "search" method to allow keyword search through the model's attributes in the collection. This is a great plugin for implementation of typeahead widgets.
collection.search( [query string] );
collection.on('search', function( results ) { ... });
Search requires a query string and accepts an optional attributes parameter. All the attributes will be searched from each model unless you provide an array of attributes. When the results are ready, a trigger "search" will fire and a new collection of the models are returned.
var Book = Backbone.Model;
var books = new Backbone.Collection();
books.add(new Book({ author: 'J. K. Rowling', related: 'Stephanie Meyer books', title: 'Harry Potter #1' }));
books.add(new Book({ author: 'P&B Pollack', related: 'Stephanie Meyer books', title: 'Who Is J. K. Rowling?' }));
books.add(new Book({ author: 'Stephanie Meyer', related: 'J. K. Rowling books', title: 'Twilight'}));
books.search('rowling', ['author','title']);
books.on('search', function( results ){ alert( results.pluck('title') ) });
// Will result: "Harry Potter #1,Who Is J. K. Rowling?"
books.on('search', function( results ){ alert( results.pluck('title') ) });
// Will result: "Harry Potter #1,Who Is J. K. Rowling?,Twilight"
is used to test the query against the attribute value. In the given default method, the search is doing a simple "indexOf" string search. It returns true
if it finds a match. This can be customized to a more robust matcher if desired (i.e. RegExp). In theory you may use different object types, but the provided method is dealing with strings.
This will return the most recent queried results. The resulted collection also has a method getSearchQuery()
to get the search query used to get that result.
books.on('search', function(){
var results = this.getSearchResults();
alert( results.pluck('title') )
// Will result: "Harry Potter #1,Who Is J. K. Rowling?"
alert( results.getSearchQuery() )
// Will result: "rowling"
This will return the most recent search query. It will pull directly from getSearchResults()
Like the built in underscore methods, it returns the collection. Note: this won't work with the ajax version.
var stephanieBooks = books.search('stephanie', ['author']);
// Will result: "Twilight"
If a front-end solution doesn't suffice, there is also an ajax support using the fetch
function and ability to add parameters. This is a starter piece to making that server-side search function. The mark up on the front-end will be exactly the same, and it will similarly fire 'search' when the call is finished. The appended parameters are keyword
and attributes[]
GET http://somelibrary.com/api/books?keyword=rowling&attributes[]=author&attributes[]=title
The plugin is non-destructive to all the existing behaviors.
- Backbone v1.0
- Underscore v1.4
paths: {
'underscore': 'assets/js/underscore',
'backbone': 'assets/js/backbone',
'backbone-collection-search': 'assets/js/backbone-collection-search',
'backbone-collection-search-ajax' : 'asset/js/backbone-collection-search-ajax'
shim: {
'backbone': {
deps: ['underscore'],
exports: 'Backbone'
'backbone-collection-search': {
deps: ['underscore', 'backbone'],
exports: 'Backbone'
'backbone-collection-search-ajax': {
deps: ['underscore', 'backbone'],
exports: 'Backbone'
define(['backbone-collection-search'], function( Backbone ) { ... });
define(['backbone-collection-search-ajax'], function( Backbone ) { ... });
<script src="assets/js/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/backbone.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/backbone-collection-search.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/backbone-collection-search-ajax.js"></script>
Streamlined the way to retrieve the recent query's keyword and attribute
now returns an object from the defined "searching" object literal in the new collection
Code needed some love and refactoring so I had to make the changes
- Removed
because I thought it was unnessary. Any delay (like for a typeahead widget) should be done in the View. - Added a way to return the collection without needing to wait for the trigger as a utility filter.
- Added AJAX version as a starter piece to making a server-side search.
- First commit!