Just my files back-up and/or reference.
If you for some reason want to try my neovim settings, two tips:
- I usually use in an Ubuntu WSL2 or Linux (it contains mac and windows setup, but is more complete for linux). To apply those run the command:
make update-to-os
in case you don't want to install make) this will copy all configuration files to the system right places. - In the case above you could use the Windows Terminal, but in my case I use the Windows version of Alacritty, if you are using a bash emulator (like Git Bash, which I recommend) just run the copy command:
mkdir -p $HOME/AppData/Roaming/alacritty
cp .config/alacritty/alacritty.windows.yml $HOME/AppData/Roaming/alacritty/alacritty.yml
- make (optional: for handling the scripts calls)
- FiraCode Nerd Font (optional: for alacritty config)