- Rust contract is able to run under op-vm
- The interface is defined by btc-runtime
- Library is tested like: opnet-unit-test
- Reference contract: OP_20
rustup install nightly # ensure that you have last nightly version
cargo build --release -p example --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
wasm-opt -O2 -Oz --strip-debug --strip-dwarf --dce --disable-multimemory --disable-fp16 --disable-mutable-globals --disable-gc --disable-multivalue --disable-nontrapping-float-to-int --disable-threads --mvp-features --remove-unused-module-elements ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/example.wasm -o ./rust.wasm
cp ./rust.wasm ../opnet-unit-test/bytecode/rust.wasm
node build/tests/rust.js
cargo test --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- Compiled code from moto library: 24KB (24689)
- Unoptimized code from current Rust library: 45KB (45584)
- Optimized code with wasm-opt: 33KB (33573)
- Library providing the interface and helper functions for contract interaction./example/
- Sample smart contract, similar to contract used in unit tests